Warkwyn has been designing custom electro-dynamic transducers for over 10 years. We have developed everything from tweeters and micro-speakers to subwoofers. Our extensive experience combined with the full suite of Klippel analyzer tools, makes for well-engineered designs that sound great, are cost effective and enjoy sales success.
We have experience designing and testing custom voice coils, chassis, magnetic circuits (motors), diaphragms, spiders and surrounds. We have the capabilities to design and verify samples of your transducer concept and take it all the way to mass production if needed.
The modern design and analytic tools at our disposal allow us to create transducers that exactly meet your intended performance requirements, without resorting to over-engineering and excessive costs. The bottom line: we can design the best performing transducer for a given cost.
Many of our designs have resulted in patentable IP for the clients. See patent case studies here.