The Klippel TRF-Pro (Transfer Function Measurement + Rub and Buzz analysis) software module is identical to the TRF with the added capability of analyzing impulsive distortion.

Some examples of impulsive distortion are Rub & Buzz, voice coil bottoming, loose particles and other loudspeaker defects. The results are displayed in a color-coded graph showing displacement vs. frequency with the color representing the level of impulsive distortion.

Instantaneous crest higher order distortion 6V (ICHD)
Instantaneous crest higher order distortion 6V (ICHD) – good driver. (click for larger image)
ICHD in a driver with a buzz issue.
ICHD in a driver with a buzz issue. (click for larger image)


For further information visit Klippel’s official website.

Please feel free to contact Warkwyn with any questions.